Painting an Otter and Corgi Knight for Burrows and Badgers
I'm back with more Burrows and Badgers today- as I have been painting up my leaders for the 2 warbands I am working on. They're quite different, but both ended up being great fun to paint.
The Otter is leading the warband which my Platypus and Frog are in- and so I wanted to keep the blue that is tying this group together going. I decided not to paint any of the Otters clothes blue though- he's in quite simple clothing and armour, and to give a blue shirt or trousers felt a bit flamboyant for this miniature- I have in mind more of a Robin Hood style outlaw for his character, hiding out in the woods and making do with what he has. The obvious choice was to therefore paint his fish in the blue which I used before hand (you will note though reader, that whilst this may look like a particularly large fish- it is in fact a deadly two handed weapon... being hit by a fish must surely hurt?)
Painting was nice and straightforward:
Fish: Macragge Blue, Asurmen Blue wash (OOP- the new Citadel Blue Wash is hopefully similar!), Macragge Blue (highlight), Altdorf Guard Blue (highlight) and finally Dawnstone (highlight) on the scales.
Jerkin: XV-88, Agrax Earthshade, XV-88 (highlight)
Shirt: Karak Stone, Seraphim Sepia, Karak Stone (highlight)
Fur: Mournfang Brown, Agrax Earthshade, Mournfang Brown (highlight). Eyes- Abaddon Black + tiny speck of Celestra Grey.
Metal: Leadbelcher, Nuln Oil.
He's a really fun model- I'm going to have to come up with a fun name for him!
However, somewhat surprisingly to myself, he didn't end up being my favourite to paint...
Although coming into this project, I was much more excited for the 'outlaw' warband, after painting this Corgi- I am starting to think this one might end up being my favourite to paint. There is something very satisfying about the anthropomorphic animals in Knightly armour- and this sculpt works so well in my opinion!
Red is going to be the main colour for this warband- but I decided to give it a secondary colour of yellow- inspired by a few real life pieces of heraldry I took a look at before painting this.
I loved painting this one- I always end up enjoying painting red for some reason- I think that Games Workshop might just make very good red paint? Painting was as follows:
Red: Khorne Red, Nuln Oil, Khorne Red (highlight), Wazdakka Red (highlight)
Yellow: Averland Sunset
Light Brown Fur: XV-88, Seraphim Sepia, XV-88 (highlight)
White Fur: Celestra Grey, Nuln Oil
Metal: Leadbelcher, Nuln Oil
Brown belts etc.: Mournfang Brown, Agrax Earthshade
This Knight is a loyal follower of the King (felt right for a dog to be loyal?), and will fight to keep law and order in his lands. The Second in his warband is another dog, this time a paladin, who will be the half-brother of the Knightly leader. I haven't worked too much more on this warband, as I was seeing this as being more of a secondary force- but having now painted this miniature- I think I'll have to spend a bit more time on them.
I'll be back soon with more Burrows and Badgers- stay tuned!
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