A Tale of Three Middle Earth Wargamers: Game 3- Isengard vs Mordor
Isengard vs Mordor
700pts Army Lists
Isengard (Onod):
Warband 1:
Witch King w/ 3 Might, 17 Will, 3 Fate, Morgul Crown and Horse
3x Morgul Knights
4x Black Numenoreans
4x Morannon Orcs w/ Spears and shields
Warband 2:
Shagrat w/ Heavy Armour and Shield of Cirith Ungol
2x Morgul Knight
4x Black Numenoreans
4x Morannon Orcs w/ Spears and shields
Warband 3:
Kardush the Firecaller
9x Morannon Orcs w/ Shield and Spear
1x Morannon Orc w/ Banner
2x Mordor Orcs
Game Type
Reconnoitre: Both forces must try and escape from the opposite side of the board to the one they deploy on. At the same time as trying to escape, the forces are trying to stop their opponent from escaping.
Board and Deployment
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Mordor on the Left, Isengard on the Right. |
Turn 1
Warbands start the game off the board in Reconnoitre, so Turn 1 sees both the Orc Captains and their warbands come onto the board for Isengard, whilst only Shagrat comes on for Mordor (accompanied by Grima).
The Isengard forces deploy on each side of the board- maximising the threat range of the bombs.
Turn 2-3
Turns 2-3 see both forces manoeuvring. The forces of Mordor move up the board as quickly as possible, with the cavalry moving in front. The Isengard forces meanwhile are much more cautious- only moving up to the walls and wood on their side. The Crebain, deploying with Saruman in Turn 3, angle to their right flank.
Turn 4-5
The forces of Mordor finally get their cavalry close enough to the Isengard line that they can position for a charge- ensuring that they remain 6 inches from the Isengard Orcs to prevent a counter charge. Their forces had now split into two- with 1 half of the Mordor forces pressing on the Right with Shagrat, whilst the Witch King leads their left flank- sapping 3 will from Saruman as he comes into range.
In response, Saruman uses sorcerous blast to pick off one of the Morgul Knights, but otherwise the forces of Isengard mostly remain ominously still- with the only major movement being the Crebain sneaking out to the far board edge- where their route to the opposite table edge now lies open...
In the next turn, Isengard win priority, and Saruman distances himself from the Witch King. With the help of his 18 inch Command range, Saruman draws in the Morgul Knights on the Left flank- and dropping their bomb, the Uruk-Hai rush forwards to trap the Knight.
The Mordor forces refuse to commit, waiting for their superior infantry to slowly catch up with the Cavalry. The Witch King does successfully Black Dart one of the Demolition Team Bezerkers. In combat, the Orc Captain and remaining Bezerker easily kill the trapped Morgul Knight.
Turn 6-7
Turn 6 is largely uneventful. Saruman and the Witch King both fail in their magic attempts, whilst only a single Morgul Knight charges into combat. (For those wondering- OT only charged in 1 of the 2 remaining Morgul Knights this turn due to the FAQ rules for Demolition Teams- which may only detonate if 2 Enemy models are within range of the blast). The Crebain move to within 12 inches of the board edge- leaving the forces of Isengard able to move troops off next week.
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The Crebain, who are now free to move off the board for Isengard |
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The Morgul Knights face off against the Isengard Orcs- but only 1 charges in! |
Turn 7 sees Isengard spring their trap. Saruman uses his Palantir, and with so little of his forces yet able to do anything- none of the Mordor heroes use a Heroic Move.
Saruman once again uses his command to draw in the second Morgul Knight, whilst the Orcs swarm around the Demolition Team.
As the Crebain move off the table, the Isengard plan becomes clear. By killing the remaining Mordor cavalry, and destroying his own troops- Onod intends to try to end the game quickly. With 3 Crebain off the table, OT will have to try and get at least 2 of his own models off the table to prevent the forces of Isengard having triple the number of forces exit than his own.
In a desperate bid to prevent this from happening, the Witch King attempts a Black Dart on one of the Uruk Hai, but fails. At the start of the fight phase, the bomb detonates- causing 4 wounds to all models in range- and breaking the forces of Isengard.
Mordor were now left in a predicament. Their only infantry close enough to the board edge to escape were in Shagrat's warband, where the remaining Isengard forces were screening them.
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The start of Turn 7 |
Mordor need the Orcs to remain on the board to keep them above 25%- so don't want them to flee or kill the Orcs- a tricky balancing act.
Turn 8
Isengard win priority, but Shagrat, Saruman and the Witch King all call Heroic Moves. Saruman wins the move off, but is unable to successfully command the Witch King (who could move off the board this turn). With no way to get a second model off the table this turn, the Witch King remains for the moment.
Shagrat's warband charge the Orcs, trying to break through without killing too many- but end up over committing. The second Demolition Team move their bomb up to hit the combat, which if successful, would end the game.
In a move for insurance, an Orc Captain uses a Might and Will point in passing its courage test to charge the Witch King- surrounding the Wraith.
In the combat phase, the Demolition Team succeed in detonation- and roll a 6. With a titanic explosion, the game is set to end at the end of the turn.
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10 wounds to the miniatures- including Shagrat |
The last roll of the game sees the Witch King fail to Kill the Orc Captain and Orcs.
Final Score- Isengard Wins 5-3
A slightly odd game, but one which was really decided by the Crebain, and the positioning of the Mordor forces being unable to stop them freely leaving the board. My plan to use the Demolition team to take out the majority of my forces before Mordor could reach my board edge was the only real chance I thought I had- the Orcs weren't going to win in a straight fight.
With both the forces of Rohan and Mordor vanquished at his feet, we can declare Saruman victor of the Tale of Three Wargamers.
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The Lord of the Rings |
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