A Tale of Three Middle Earth Wargamers: Game 2- Rohan vs Isengard

Rohan vs Isengard 700 pts Army Lists Rohan (Mayor): Warband 1: Theoden w/ Horse (Leader) 8x Riders of Rohan w/ 1 Banner 4x Rohan Royal Guard w/ Horses and Throwing Spears Warband 2: Aragorn w/ Horse and Elven Cloak Legolas w/ Horse and Elven Cloak Gimli w/ Elven Cloak Isengard (Onod): Warband 1: Saruman Grima Orc w/ Banner 6x Orcs w/ Shield 6x Orcs w/ Spear 3x Crebain Warband 2: Orc Captain w/ Shield 1x Orc w/ Shield 1x Orc w/ Spear 2x Orc w/ Two-Handed Weapon 2x Orc w/ Bow Demolition Team w/ 2 Flaming Brands Warband 2: Orc Captain w/ Shield 1x Orc w/ Shield 1x Orc w/ Spear 1x Orc w/ Two-Handed Weapon 2x Orc w/ Bow Demolition Team w/ 2 Flaming Brands Game Type Capture and Control: Both forces are fighting over 5 different objectives (1 in the middle, and 4 arranged equidistant from the centre in a cross shape). Once a model takes an objective, it remains in that players control until an enemy model moves into base contact with the objective, and shifts control back. Once a ...