A Tale of Three Middle Earth Wargamers- Part 3: A New Warband


We're into our penultimate month of painting for our challenge to each build a 700 point Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game army. There is still plenty to paint though, and this month we were tackling a new warband to add to the first we've all painted for our armies. This is going to mean plenty of painting, so lets get straight to how we all got on!

Isengard- Onod

Onod: June was a busy month for me- which isn't always ideal when you've got some models that need painting by a deadline. My painting this month was orcs- which is what the bulk of my army is made of. It's safe to say that painting orcs isn't the most interesting thing- and if I'm honest, painting large quantities of models like orcs is one of the reasons I don't normally try and paint 'horde' armies. I have a tendency to get distracted, and move on before finishing the army.

However, having a painting challenge like this can really help with motivation, and whilst I was very much still finishing off the painting on the final day of the month this time around- I just about got them done.

This month was a bit of a learning curve for me- not because I tried any kind of new painting techniques, or improved my ability- quite the opposite. I very much know that this isn't my best work. Usually, I'd be spending more time trying to get every detail on the model how I wanted- but with a bit of a rush to get the painting done, I wasn't able to do that. And actually, that's fine. These orcs aren't the central focus of the army (they're unlikely to be survive on the board for a whole game!). Sometimes it's actually ok to just get a model painted, and not worry that it's not the best thing you've ever painted. I think that's actually a useful thing to learn, especially if it means I actually get a project finished!

Next month will be a similar challenge of my painting stamina- I've got to try and paint another warband of orcs in an equally busy month- ready for a game at the beginning of August. Hopefully I'll be able to take what I've learnt this month, and get all of the painting done in time!

Mordor- Old Toby

Old Toby: For this month I focussed on creating my second major warband with Shagrat and another group of elite warriors. The warriors consisted of a warband of Black Numenoreans backed up some Morannon orcs with shields and spears. The theme of my army was always going to be based around terror causing units and the synergy with the Witch King so it made sense to put in a healthy number of Morgul Knights and Black Numenoreans.

The Numenoreans were always going to be painted in a similar style to the Witch King. With the all black robes and Leadbelcher Metal for the armour a lot of the techniques I used in the Witch King could be re used here. A little Agrax on the swords then Nuln Oil on the armour and robes and it was job done.

The Morannon are the killing power in my army and also bring a bit of colour to the back line. Again I used Leadblecher for the majority of the armour, with some Eshin Grey dry brushing. Mephiston Red for the tunics and finally some Rhinox Hide for any leather parts. The shields and spears were a little trickier but I settled on a Steel Legion Drab coat and then an Agrax wash to make it a darker more grimy brown.

Bases were consistent with the rest of the army. This meant an initial coat of Stirland Mud, then a mixture of grey basing sand with coal and finally some larger grey rocks and some patches of Mordian Corpse grass which was another theme for the army.

Nearly all models done now just a banner and a crazy fiery dude to go.

Rohan- Mayor Whitfoot

The Mayor: Another surprisingly successful month! 4 additional Riders of Rohan, all painted and based. Mostly orange / mid tone horse colours this month. I think some more white / dark horses are due in the final month with the final heroes and banner.

Again, I mixed contrast paints to achieve a slight variation in horse colours. I also managed to get the bases done, which I’m happy with for now. Still some tufts to add in the final month and they’ll be peachy!

You can’t have all mounted Rohan without plenty of riders to fiercely gallop toward the enemy as Theoden relentlessly spouts glorious things into the air. Next month I’ll be completing the force with Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli, alongside a rider with banner

Next Month

The challenge will be drawing to a close next month, seeing us paint our final models- and paint up an all important banner for each of our forces. It won't be the end though- we'll be running a match with our newly painted armies shortly after their completion, and a battle report will be appearing on the blog shortly too. See you next month!

Links to previous posts in the series:


Part 1

Part 2


The Hobby Breakfast Show

The Hobby Breakfast Show Youtube

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