Gnoblar Mercenary Player- Drib Dripplespog


The second of my Blood Bowl Mercenary Mini-Star Players for my Sevens League- Drib Dripplespog the Gnoblar is here for a good time (but maybe not a long time).

This was great fun to paint- I have a soft spot for the little Gnoblars, and I've been looking for an excuse to get one for a while (not sure I want to take the full plunge into Ogres!). In a way, I'm a little sad it wasn't the Gnoblars who got their own team rather than the Snotlings, but hey ho.

Drib was nice and easy to paint. 

The skin was a base of Waaagh Flesh, a shade of Biel-Tan Green, and then highlights of Waaagh Flesh and Warboss Green.

The shirt was the Fang as a base, followed by Nuln oil. I then came back and highlighted the raised areas with the fang again.

The socks and wristband were Celestra Grey and Nuln oil.

The trousers were just Abaddon black.

The bottle used the contrast paint Talassar Blue.

For the mouth- I first painted the inside with Bugman's Glow, then a wash of Reikland Fleshshade. The tongue was then picked out with Khorne Red, and the teeth with Morghast Bone.

There isn't an option for Titchy in the Deathzone rules- and I decided to just keep Drib as a regular Stunty rather than trying to work out what the Gold Cost of Titchy should be. Armed with a fearsome broken bottle, Drib will be seeking to stab any would be opponents- and with Sidestep too, Drib has the potential to be a (perhaps ineffective) nuisance on the pitch. At only 40,000GP, he's also very cheap- making him easy to slide into a team for some potential stab plays.

The only question I have now is, along with Drib, I got a second Gnoblar bundled in on ebay. I like the little critters so much, I'm trying to figure out what to do with it- a very small referee might be likely, or another merc- I'll have to have a think.


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