Amazon Mercenary Player


I've been planning to add a few Mercenaries for the Sevens league on the Blog, acting as low-end Star Players that might hang around in the lower leagues of Blood Bowl.

For the first of these players, I found a cool 3D printed Amazon sculpt floating around on Ebay, and decided it would be a good break from what I'd been painting recently (Middle Earth Orcs).

For painting I decided to go for quite a limited colour palette- similar to how you might see Amazons/ Greeks depicted in a Hollywood movie.

I base coated with Mechanicus Grey- my go-to for lighter colours. 

The clothes are very simply Ushabti Bone and Agrax Earthshade- before running back over to clean up with the Ushabti again.

The gold again was very simple- just Retributor Gold and Reikland Fleshshade. 

For the skin, I started with Bugmans glow, washed with Reikland again and then brought it back a bit lighter using Cadian Fleshtone.

The hair was done using XV-88, Agrax again, and then a 50-50 mix of XV-88 and Yriel Yellow.

For her rules, I took inspiration from the new Valkyries on the Norse team- but with the classic Amazon Dodge rule rather than Strip Ball. Though she's nearing the more expensive end of my planned mini-stars (certainly for Sevens inducements!), she will provide some flexibility to the teams- especially those who might want a potential touchdown scorer.

I'll be back over the next few weeks with some more Mercenaries I'm painting up!


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