Blood Bowl Sevens Team- The Blue Reach Boars
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The Big Boar himself |
Well, I have finally finished painting my Greebo Games Porclings- it's only taken me 6 months...
Anyway, I'm going to quickly run over my plans for the team, and then also how they were to paint!
My plans for the team are to run them as Goblins, with the Boar as a Troll- this just felt more 'right' than them being Halflings (the Boar isn't really Treeman-like) or any of the other Stunty teams, where the linemen are a bit too small for the Porcs!
For my teams Lore- these are the Blue Reach Boars. Having once lived as Halflings in the Moot, one day all was to change for the little lives of these merry folk. After an altercation with a travelling wizard, accusing the Halflings of refusing to pay for his services during a warm-up game for the Thimble Cup (something the Halfling's furiously deny!), he left the village cursing the occupants for their greed. The next morning, the Halfling villagers woke to find that they were transformed into pigs! Unfortunately, Halflings being great lovers of food, it proved difficult to persuade Halflings that lived outside of the village that these were not, in fact large pigs, but transformed Halflings. Fleeing in fear of soon becoming the filling to a new line of Piewhistle's Preeminent Patisserie's Pork Pies, the Porclings found their way to the nearby Blue Reach Hills, south of the Moot. Here they continue to play Blood Bowl, though rumour has it they have a strict vegetarians-only policy at the gate.
How was the painting experience then? Overall, I really enjoyed painting these- the simplicity to the models was quite refreshing compared to a lot of models with 'busy' detailing. The only minor complaint I had was that, when painting the skin of the pigs, it was noticeable that some lines from the sculpts were showing through. I assume this is either from the printing process at Greebo, or the design process essentially taking spheres for the bodies- but there were some rings appearing. It's nothing major- and clearly not an issue for other surfaces- making me think it's likely how these were designed digitally that made these appear. I wasn't able to get a clear photo to show what was happening here- but I ended up deciding not to highlight the skin- and this has hidden it- and I actually quite like the muddy look it gives the pigs.
The stand out to me was the Big Guy- and I think that the Black Orc version of this team, where you get a few smaller Boars, would be a fantastic set to get if you enjoy the Cutiemals style- he was great fun to paint!
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This is the set from Greebo Games' Website |
The colours are inspired by the claret and blue of a lot of football teams- e.g. Aston Villa, Burnley, West Ham...
I tried out a style of base I'd never done before- rather than adding grass tufts or pitch marking- I used some of the Citadel Valhallen Blizzard on top of some Stirland Battlemire (which I drybrush with Karak Stone). The result was one I was really happy with- a melting snow look. I'm so happy with it in fact, I might have to use this for an army at some point down the line.
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A (slightly blurry) look at the bases as I was making them |
There is the team then- hopefully they'll get onto the pitch sooner rather than later!
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