Looking Ahead to 2022: Blog Update

A Quick Blog Update:

After a disrupted December, I'm finally back up and running when it comes to Hobby, and ready for a new year of working on the blog. My plans for my Hobby in 2022 are ones which I've been working towards for a few months, and I'm really looking forward to getting started!

Projects to Finish

I'm not far off completing my current projects in Blood Bowl and Epic 40k. I'm planning to finish painting 2 Blood Bowl Sevens teams and to complete my Orks and Chaos Knights forces of an equal size to my Black Templars, and a small amount of 6mm terrain ready for them to be able to play some small games of Epic 40k. 

New Projects

For the moment, I'm satisfied with my collections for Games Workshop games (both current and old) and I'm planning to move onto a project or two in Historical Wargaming. This is something that I have wanted to do for a while, and having dabbled with a few miniatures to test the waters, I've got a few ideas as to what I would like to do. 
The first of these is going to be to start a collection for Battlefront's First World War game: Great War (using the Flames of War rules, with a few tweaks for WWI). I've managed to get my hands on the British starter set and the rulebook for Christmas, and was excited to hear that Battlefront are intending to get the range back out there in 2022, following the closure of their factory in 2021 due to Covid. Hopefully I'll be able to get a German force to fight the British before the end of the year.
This isn't the only Historical project I have planned, but I will save the other games I'm intending to get for future posts!
Really excited about this!

Plans for the Blog

I'm hoping to expand on the content which I've been making for the blog this year. If things go to plan, I'm hoping to get back to the once a week posts as my aim for the year, and to continue producing hobby updates of my painting, a look at kits when I unbox them, and to write about anything which has caught my eye in the hobbysphere. In addition to this, I'm hoping to produce a few Battle Reports of some sort in 2022. I haven't quite decided on how to format these yet, but I would like to get some 3rd Edition Epic battles out there, and possibly some Middle Earth SBG and Blood Bowl games too. I would also like to do some reviews of some Game Rules that I have played, branching out from just reviewing kits that I'm currently working on. 

All that's a lot- but I'm hoping will be an achievable goal!

Happy New Year everyone- and good luck with your own Hobby goals for 2022!


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