Why I'm excited for the Khorne Blood Bowl team
Games Workshop showed off the starting stats for the new Khorne team on Warhammer Community a few days ago- and it looks like it is going to have a really unique playstyle.
What makes this Khorne team so exciting to me is that they feel like they're filling a niche of the 'glasshammer' bashing team. Unlike some of the other teams with lower armour and fighting skills (think Amazons and Norse) the Khorne team isn't starting with any 'defensive' skills like Block or Dodge- it's all about the offence.
Frenzy is normally reserved for 1 or 2 models per team, but with Khorne, the majority of your players are going to be wielding this skill in game. This is the key to what makes them so unique- Frenzy can be a blessing, or a curse.
For your strength 4 pieces, the Bloodseekers, Frenzy is going to be a brutal skill. Getting 2 goes at a strength 3 opponent is going to massively increase the chances of this team breaking through the line. Once you've got your second skill (you're probably beelining for Block here), they're going to be tricky to take down. Their AV 10+ is going to really help them out too, keeping them safe from the potential negatives of Frenzy. Things get interesting when playing another team with ST 4+. You're going to have to very carefully manoeuvre to ensure you don't leave your models in a weak position.
And this is where the Bloodborn Marauders are going to be really interesting. ST 3 will see them on par with all but the stunty teams- so Frenzy is now going to become a real risk. If you're not careful, when you follow up in your second block action, you could find yourself at a weakness. This is combined with the AV 8+, so the Bloodborn are going to be very fragile linemen in a sense, but sometimes they're going to beat the odds and their Frenzy will help them out. The tactical interactions are going to make Khorne really interesting to face. Even a block against something as simple as a Snotling could become dangerous if they use their sidestep to bring your Bloodborn into a poor position.
Your only non-Frenzy players- the Khorngors are built to be your blitzers and your ball carriers. I think the Khorngor are going to be really important to the success of your team- offensively, you're going to need them for your key blitz moves to ensure success, and to carry the ball in your cages. Defensively, having models which can't be drawn out of position, and which can protect your backline will be important against the speedier teams.
As a team, Khorne are going to be really interesting to play. Choosing when to block is going to be even more important than normal, and your opponents are going to be able to force you into difficult situations. The most exciting thing for me is that this is going to feel unique- playing a Khorne team, or against one, is not going to feel like playing any other team. I'm strongly considering getting a Khorne Team now for sevens...
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