Epic Armageddon: 6mm Orks WIP

The first of my Deathskulls

My hobby has been largely focussed on creating tiny, 6mm scale 40k armies- for the purpose of playing Epic 40k, or perhaps trying to play 40k in a smaller scale.

Having got my Templars to a reasonable size, it felt like it was time to start creating a force for them to tackle- and who better than the Orks!

Hopping on to Ebay, I was able to pick up a large sprue, containing an Epic 'Stompa' and lots of different kinds of Ork.

Primed and starting to paint- I paint on the sprue for 6mm miniatures where possible!

This would give a good force to start with- though I am planning on picking up some Trukks for my Ork Boyz to ride to battle in.

When deciding the colour scheme for the Orks, the 6mm miniatures presents a difficult choice. I decided against the Goffs or Freebooters due to Black being the primary colour- too similar to the Black Templars at this scale. Similarly, I decided against the Blood Axes- who would usually be painted in camo, or dark colours like brown and purple- which I didn't feel would provide a unified look at 6mm scale.

This left me with the options of: Death Skulls, Bad Moonz, Snakebites and Evil Sunz. I decided that the Snakebitez and Bad Moonz wouldn't stand out from the sandy basing scheme I'm using for the 6mm armies- and so it was down to two. Out of red and blue, I decided to go for blue- for no particular reason other than I fancied painting blue for a change. Red is a colour that I often use, and I'm currently painting a Blood Bowl team in Red- so Blue was a good change of pace.

I'm using this old Epic Stompa as a Gorkanaut

I started with the Gorkanaut- as the largest miniature, It would be the easiest to paint, and try out which colours I wanted to use.
For the Blue, I started off with Macragge Blue as the base coat. However, later on, I decided this was too dark a blue for a Death Skulls army- and also presented issues for 6mm figures. Light colours tend to help with standing out when your miniature is so small- and so I didn't feel Macragge Blue would be different enough to black when on the smaller Ork boyz. 
I ended up using a 50:50 mix of Macragge Blue and Calgar Blue, which gave a blue which was brighter, and looked more how I imagined the Death Skulls Blue should look.
Leadbelcher and an old OOP Citadel Bronze paint were used for the metals- followed by a healthy wash of Nuln oil to make it grimier- like Ork weapons should be.
Finally, I decided to pick out the 'skull' of the Gorkanaut in White- something which the Death Skulls would want to do I imagine, and the missile in Red. I built this up with Celestra Grey as a base, the Contrast Paint Apothecary White as a wash, and then Corax White as the highlight. The missile was in Khorne Red, and Corax White for the front.

Happy with the results, I moved on to test this on the Boyz.
The Nob leading his squad of Boyz

The Blue and Metal were the same colours here, and the Blue carries across well enough at a distance that you can tell these are Death Skulls.
For the Ork skin, I started brighter than I normally would- jumping straight into Warboss Green as a Base layer. I then used a very small amount of Biel-Tan Green Wash to pick out some of the tiny details- being careful not to let it dry in any pools which would destroy the details on such a small miniature.
The Boots were simply just Mournfang Brown. I deliberately leave some of the Black undercoat in the recesses of such small miniatures- it helps to bring a distinction between the different elements, without needing such aggressive washes and highlights that you use on larger scale miniatures. 

Finally, I used the infinitely useful texture paint Armageddon Dunes for the bases, and Mournfang Brown for the edges of the base- and the painting was done.

I'm happy with the results, so I will crack on now with the rest of the miniatures- and start hunting for some Trukks so these Boyz can ride into Battle to face the Black Templars.

Before I sign off, a quick size comparison of the Gorkanaut with another miniature which will be joining the ranks of the 6mm armies very soon!

I'll be back soon with the finished Orks, and a look at my plan for those fantastic Adeptus Titanicus Knights- thanks for reading!


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