Painting Tiny Aspect Warriors
What's all the fuss about? Games Workshop have made Plastic Aspect Warriors since the 90s... With all the Eldar reveals for 40k happening at the moment, I've gotten into the Eldar vibe with some 6mm Aspect Warriors for Epic 40k. I decided to paint them in their classic colour schemes- which will make the force quite colourful (especially in comparison to my Black Templar force!) Usually I paint Epic models straight on the sprue where possible- but I've gone with the classic sticky-tack on an old paint pot for ease of photos. Exarch I'm painting my Epic Eldar as Biel-Tan, just like my 28mm Eldar. The Exarch therefore uses the White/Green paint scheme of Biel-Tan (which I actually inverted for my 28mm Eldar.) White: Celestra Grey > Apothecary White Green: Waaagh! Flesh Black: Abaddon Black Striking Scorpion Striking scorpions aren't the easiest to paint in 6mm I've found. The details on the 28mm models in yellow would be tricky to reproduce on a 6mm miniature...