
Showing posts from January, 2022

Painting Tiny Aspect Warriors

  What's all the fuss about? Games Workshop have made Plastic Aspect Warriors since the 90s... With all the Eldar reveals for 40k happening at the moment, I've gotten into the Eldar vibe with some 6mm Aspect Warriors for Epic 40k. I decided to paint them in their classic colour schemes- which will make the force quite colourful (especially in comparison to my Black Templar force!) Usually I paint Epic models straight on the sprue where possible- but I've gone with the classic sticky-tack on an old paint pot for ease of photos. Exarch I'm painting my Epic Eldar as Biel-Tan, just like my 28mm Eldar. The Exarch therefore uses the White/Green paint scheme of Biel-Tan (which I actually inverted for my 28mm Eldar.) White: Celestra Grey > Apothecary White Green: Waaagh! Flesh Black: Abaddon Black Striking Scorpion Striking scorpions aren't the easiest to paint in 6mm I've found. The details on the 28mm models in yellow would be tricky to reproduce on a 6mm miniature...

Dead Man's Hand Plastic Gunfighters Review

  Welcome back to the blog with my next review: Dead Man's Hand Plastic Gunfighters from Great Escape Games. I picked this box up as a small project for some skirmish gaming in the Wild West (I'd been watching a few Western's recently and wanted to scratch an itch). I'm intending to use the Ruthless rules, which I saw on the LittleWarsTV Youtube channel, and loved the look of these- I generally try to get plastic miniatures where possible (personal preference) and these appeared like good value (£15). So, what are my thoughts on the kit? Value- 5/5 You can't fault the value on this kit- 10 miniatures for £15 is already fairly reasonable, but with the options you get in the kit, this could form the basis for many different kinds of miniatures for miniature games in the West- you could just buy this box and be ready to play a game. The sprues contain twice as many heads as needed, and about twice as many weapons and extras needed too. The only note I would make in reg...

Knights of Khorne- Epic 40k (3rd Edition) Force

  The defiled Imperial Knights, dedicated to the Chaos god Khorne. Here are the mighty Knights of Khorne, my first painted miniatures of 2022- and my newest 600pt force for my Epic 40k 3rd Edition Skirmish forces project. These were fantastic miniatures to paint, and really GW have done a fantastic job recreating the larger 28mm Knights down into the smaller scale- without losing too much detail on the way. With the newer miniatures, and the rerelease of Knights back in 2014, there was a certain level of upscaling both in size and power. When you now compare these knights with the Epic 40k miniatures, you can see that rescaling to make the knights closer to what might be described as 'true-scale.' Compared with an Ork Stompa, the Knight towers over it- this small Stompa in the Epic range is perhaps more like a modern Gorkanaut/Morkanaut? As a result of this impressive size, the rules for Knights don't feel quite right- they would be more in line with a Leman Russ Battle ta...

The Hobby Breakfast Show

The Hobby Breakfast Show Youtube