
Showing posts from October, 2021

Epic Armageddon: 6mm Orks WIP

The first of my Deathskulls My hobby has been largely focussed on creating tiny, 6mm scale 40k armies- for the purpose of playing Epic 40k, or perhaps trying to play 40k in a smaller scale. Having got my Templars to a reasonable size, it felt like it was time to start creating a force for them to tackle- and who better than the Orks! Hopping on to Ebay, I was able to pick up a large sprue, containing an Epic 'Stompa' and lots of different kinds of Ork. Primed and starting to paint- I paint on the sprue for 6mm miniatures where possible! This would give a good force to start with- though I am planning on picking up some Trukks for my Ork Boyz to ride to battle in. When deciding the colour scheme for the Orks, the 6mm miniatures presents a difficult choice. I decided against the Goffs or Freebooters due to Black being the primary colour- too similar to the Black Templars at this scale. Similarly, I decided against the Blood Axes- who would usually be painted in camo, or dark colo...

Black Templar Range Refresh- Time to Dust Off the Crusading Gear?

  Medieval. Knights. In. Space. It was this iconic concept which inspired me, aged 12, to start collecting the Black Templars- and I've had a soft spot for these Dressing-Gown garbed Space Marines ever since. The Black Templars weren't my first 40k miniatures- I actually started my journey in the 40k universe with some Imperial guard models- but as I got more familiar with the lore, it was the Black Templars that ended up catching my imagination. As a fan of fantasy, who had started playing The Lord of the Rings Strategy Battle Game in 2009, they were the obvious choice when my group of friends were sucked into the Games Workshop vortex of Warhammer 40,000. Deep in the days of 5th edition 40k, whilst my friends were picking up Tau, Orks and Tyranids, I was drawn to one of the older Codices in the store, and for a whopping £15, the Black Templar codex was mine. Not having much money- my force ended up being a very dysfunctional mix of models, and there was always something janky...

Kitbashing in 6mm scale- Land Raider Excelsior and Rhino Primaris

 One of my hobby projects at the moment is creating a Black Templar force in 6mm scale- mostly just for the hobby of it, but also so they could be used for Epic Armageddon etc. I have so far completed a few tester tanks and infantry stands (see below), but was missing something as a leader for my force. I don't currently have any of the original HQ miniatures from Epic, and rather than searching on Ebay- I thought it might be fun to try and create an HQ miniature. Sculpting isn't something I massively enjoy- and creating a 6mm model is way beyond my skill level, so I hopped online to look for vehicle HQ units. I vaguely remembered there being a kit which was unique to the store at Warhammer World, and there they were; the Land Raider Excelsior and Rhino Primaris. I had a 3d printed mini of both, so all I would need is to dip into my bits box... My Crusade Force so far- just missing those HQs! From the start, I knew I didn't want to try and create the exact miniatures- but s...

Why I'm excited for the Khorne Blood Bowl team

  Games Workshop showed off the starting stats for the new Khorne team on Warhammer Community a few days ago- and it looks like it is going to have a really unique playstyle. What makes this Khorne team so exciting to me is that they feel like they're filling a niche of the 'glasshammer' bashing team. Unlike some of the other teams with lower armour and fighting skills (think Amazons and Norse) the Khorne team isn't starting with any 'defensive' skills like Block or Dodge- it's all about the offence. Frenzy Frenzy is normally reserved for 1 or 2 models per team, but with Khorne, the majority of your players are going to be wielding this skill in game. This is the key to what makes them so unique- Frenzy can be a blessing, or a curse.  For your strength 4 pieces, the Bloodseekers, Frenzy is going to be a brutal skill. Getting 2 goes at a strength 3 opponent is going to massively increase the chances of this team breaking through the line. Once you've got ...

The Hobby Breakfast Show

The Hobby Breakfast Show Youtube