Epic Armageddon: 6mm Orks WIP
The first of my Deathskulls My hobby has been largely focussed on creating tiny, 6mm scale 40k armies- for the purpose of playing Epic 40k, or perhaps trying to play 40k in a smaller scale. Having got my Templars to a reasonable size, it felt like it was time to start creating a force for them to tackle- and who better than the Orks! Hopping on to Ebay, I was able to pick up a large sprue, containing an Epic 'Stompa' and lots of different kinds of Ork. Primed and starting to paint- I paint on the sprue for 6mm miniatures where possible! This would give a good force to start with- though I am planning on picking up some Trukks for my Ork Boyz to ride to battle in. When deciding the colour scheme for the Orks, the 6mm miniatures presents a difficult choice. I decided against the Goffs or Freebooters due to Black being the primary colour- too similar to the Black Templars at this scale. Similarly, I decided against the Blood Axes- who would usually be painted in camo, or dark colo...