A Tale of Three Middle-Earth Wargamers- Part 1: The First Warband
Welcome back to our little hobby project we've been working on. We're going to be checking in to see how we've all managed to progress over the last month with our projects, but first a little reminder of what we're doing. Each of us is aiming to build a 700 point Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game army over the course of 4 months- with a final battle in the fifth month when we're done. In our first month, we each painted up a starter warband- containing the general of our armies, and either 8 infantry models or 4 cavalry models for the beginnings of their warband. Lets check in with how everyone got on with Month One: Isengard- Onod Onod: An just about finishing my models on the final day of this month's painting, here are the first of the orcs alongside Saruman. I had a very busy April, so this ended up being even more of a challenge for me- trying to paint all of my models in just 10 days (a couple of late nighters were pulled in the end). Saruman was the f...