A Tale of 3 Middle-Earth Wargamers- Part 0: Introduction

Welcome to a little project that is going to be on the blog over the next 5 months. A couple of friends and I are going to be trying the classic wargaming challenge- the Tale of (how ever many) Wargamers. Over the next few months, we will each be taking an army from the Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game, and adding new Heroes and Warriors, piece-by-piece, to build up to a 700 point army. In addition to this, we've each decided to go for an army which is something new to us- choosing a Good force where we normally lean towards Evil, and vice versa. In this post- we're each going to quickly run over what army we've chosen, what we're hoping to do with it, and how we think we'll find the challenge. To kick off, lets have a look at what I (Onod) will be working on in the upcoming months: Isengard- Onod Onod: I'm notoriously bad at picking what force I want to do. Call it indecision, call it fussiness- but I usually have several ideas of what I want to do when I s...