Is Warhammer too expensive? Part 1- an overview
The question of the price of Games Workshop's products is not a new one, and it isn't going anywhere soon. It can't be denied that this is an expensive hobby- if you are just starting in the Hobby, you're looking at a decent buy in price. You'll need the models of course, some glue to assemble them, some paint to give them that scheme you've been dreaming up and some paint brushes, to actually, you know, paint. Then, you'll need the rulebook to play the game, a codex/armybook for the faction you chose, some dice, a measuring tape, somewhere to store your miniatures, oh, and there is now a new book out which has changed the points cost of the book you just bought, better go and buy that too. Finally, you need somewhere to play- you may be lucky enough to live near a store or club, but for some, the set up cost is going to include a bit of terrain, or a board to play on. Now, clearly if you're jumping into a full 2000 point 40k army- the standard for ...