Trying out Munitorum Varnish
Though it is 12 years since I started the hobby- I have never used a varnish before. Up until today, my models have always gone into the world with just their paint- exposed to the elements. (Or, more realistically for my earliest time in the hobby- just base-coated). I suppose I had never seen varnishing models as something that was necessary as a teenager, but since returning to the hobby after my university hiatus, I've been considering protecting my miniatures more seriously. Reading up on varnishes, it seems a lot of people consider varnishing models a necessity- something which can assist with the finish to a paint job as well as protecting them. As I've got a project which involves a lot of metal miniatures, and metal chips paint very easily, I finally decided to take the plunge and try some out. I decided just to go with Games Workshops offering for the first varnish I would buy. I suspect that this probably isn't the best varnish out there, but as Games Workshop...